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  • 👨🏾‍💻 *BccM Coded Tips* Wednesday, 26th April, 2017Literature-In-English 3 (Drama & Poetry) 2.00pm - 4.30pm Ans 4 question only Section
  • 👨🏾‍💻 *BccM Coded Tips*

    Wednesday, 26th April, 2017Literature-In-English 3 (Drama & Poetry) 2.00pm - 4.30pm  Ans 4 question only

    A4)Ogeyi is Aloho’s friend and confidant.Aloho lives with Ogeyi in her smallapartment in Pannya. She tries todiscourage Aloho from takingOchuole’s job offer and warns her tokeep away from Ochuole. She seeks justice for Aloho by reporting Chief tothe police. She is the voice of reasonin the play.

    i)Beneatha feels entitled to become a doctor. When that may be taken away from her, she has no response other than to give up on helping others. Beneatha wants to be a doctor because she has a desire to heal.

    ii)Ruth constantly fights with Walter. Her family's peace is further upended when she finds out she's pregnant. Ruth considers an abortion to maintain peace in the family she already has.

    iii)Mama makes a rash decision to prompt Walter to stand up and be a man, which proves unwise. Mama buys a house in an all-white neighbourhood to provide a home for her family.And again Mama wants Walter to stand up and be the man of the family In Other words Mama and Ruth want to provide peace for their families.

    (2)Waraje's role in the development of the plot of the play"The blood of a stranger"is significant and important.She is in love with Kindo and alsoa stranger in Mandoland too.She has lived there long enough to detest being called a stranger.She was not born in Mondoland,her mother was taken prisoner by one of the mando warriors.Her mother then ran away after given birth to her.
    She cautions Kindo from anything that will anger the spirits and looks up to him like a goodwoman does not doubt him and never ask too any questions.
    She is Kindo's only woman that is sexually assaulted by whitehead.Maligu and Soko plottedher abduction into a sack and the take her to whitehead's compound.She fortunately escapes.
    Significantly,she plays the role of intense lover who despite all odds refuses to leave with her grandfather to their homeland but remains in mandoland inorder to be with Kindo.Kindo also could not take her to the palace because her mother is seen as a slave in a way.This posses a threat to their relationship.She respect the customary norms of her society and this is one of the reasons she resisted Kindo having her just anywhere and pushes to be taken to the palace.Her resilience is portrayed in Wara's steadfastness in preventing Whitehead from raping her

    5)Younger"s family is a close Knit family owing to the various relationship that existed among the children and the mother the head of the household.
    Mama is walter's and Beneatha's mother and demands respect and love between them with greater pride in pursuing their dreams and goals.She wants to go extra mile to ensure her famiy have the best in the entire world.Walter is the only son of Mama and a delligerent brother.He is sometimes called"Brother"-very passionate,ambitious and hardworking.He is friendly to his sister,hugs his mother and even takes his wife out on a date where they get super frisky and hold hands.The walter known inthis context is a loveable friendly and a family man.
    Beneatha the only daughter of mama,though has a conflicting relationship at times with Mama because of their many differences but it is not a strained relationship.For instance after her mother slaps her for blasphemy.Beneatha later hugs and thanks her mother for understanding her dismissal of George.She clearly loves her mother even if they do not always agree.
    Both brother and sister also loves each other and looks out for each other.For instance Beneatha stops Mama from beating Walter on the head after he gambles away with their money.

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