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  • COVID-19: How To Avoid Overeating While Staying At Home
  • COVID-19: How To Avoid Overeating While Staying At Home

    This is the period where most people spend more time home than they have ever done, due to the fact that self-isolating is the best way to protect oneself against Coronavirus. This leads to being stuck at home and being at home can cause some unhealthy habits like oversleeping, gossiping, overeating, etc.  For this write up we will basically be looking at how to avoid overeating while staying at home.

    To avoid overeating while staying home, one has to be determined and disciplined. To avoid overeating, TalkGlitz advises you try as much as possible to observe the followings:

    1. Understanding that you are at home: be very conscious of the reality that you are at home and this may take a long while. Let this reality first dawn on you. Being at home implies that you have few or no place to go; this means that you may not really be exercising your body. Being at home also can cause stress, don’t think people are only stress when they are going everywhere, No, you can be home and be stressed too. When you are stressed and bored you tend to eat more than normal. When you understand what being home means and all it offers, you will be ready to give all it takes to stay healthy even while being home, which one of what it takes is to avoid overeating. Keep this fact constantly at heart.
    2. Avoid Temptation: So as not to lead you into temptation, keep away excess food. This is not the period to keep candies, chocolate, extra meals in the fridge. If possible cook only the food you will finish at a time.
    3. Practice balance diet: Balance diet entails eating all the classes of food in the right proportion. Make this a way of life, don’t just eat anything you see, eat what is right.
    4. Count calories: Most people find it challenging to count calories, if you are one of these people, while staying at home is the time you have to put this into practice. Be accountable for your calories per day, you can download calories app to help you with it. Nutritionists said that an average man needs 2,500 calories to maintain and 2,000 calories to lose weight per day. Just take note of your calories whether you are maintaining or losing weight and create a plan on how not to exceed the healthy calories. To help yourself here, you can do more of homemade food than eating out.
    5. Stay hydrated: maintaining proper hydration is important for overall health and may help you prevent overeating while staying at home. In fact, research has found an association between chronic dehydration and an elevated of obesity. Plus being hydrated can lead to alterations in mood, attention, and energy levels, which can also affect eating habit. To stay hydrated, don’t only drink water, eat water. What do I mean by eating water? Start eating fruits that are rich in water such as cucumber, watermelon, oranges, grapes etc. when you eat and drink water you are always hydrated and stay less hungry.
    1. Improve on yourself: the period of staying at home is that time you should improve on yourself, it may be easier at this time to sleep or overeat but I tell you the truth, you can avoid it to improve on yourself. This is the time to acquire that skill you always aspire to, have fun such as dancing, you can learn to if you don’t know how to dance. Learn at least a new thing every day and catch fun with the family and friends if any be around and if absent, get across to them via chats or preferably video call.
    2. Practice portion control: it is common for people to snack on foods directly from the containers in which they were sold, which may lead to overeating. To avoid this practice portion control by serving yourself a single portion of food rather than eating out of a larger container. If all your plates are big, get a small one and start eating from it.
    3. Make Being Healthy A Priority: if you hold your wellbeing in high esteem you will give all it takes to stay healthy. Let being healthy be a priority and this will aid you to shun anything that can distort your wellbeing such as overeating. You will ensure you eat nutritious meals in right proportion.
    4. Stay on the move: At home you can work out alongside eating healthy. You can do some home exercise; you can download work out app to help you achieve that. See home workout on YouTube or even jog around the neighborhood. Research has it that physical exercise can boost mood, reduce stress also reduce the chances of overeating.
    5. Practice intermittent Fasting: doing this can help you put your weight in check and also prevent overeating. You can decide to start skipping breakfast or eat within windows such as 16:8 hour windows. What this implies is that assuming your last meal for the day is 6pm, you won’t eat until 10am the next day and your next time of eating will be by 6pm. Others are 14:10, 18:8 etc.

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