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  • ‘Dr Marcus Rashford’; Utd Player Gets Honorary Doctorate From University Of Manchester
  • ‘Dr Marcus Rashford’; Utd Player Gets Honorary Doctorate From University Of Manchester

    A 22 year-old  and  forward Marcus Rashford will receive an honorary doctorate from  of Manchester later this summer.This , will be bestow on him “for his remarkable campaign against child poverty off the field and outstanding sporting achievements on the pitch”.

    Last month, Rashford successfully campaigned for the  to extend its free school meals voucher scheme over the summer holidays and also helped lead an initiative with the FareShare charity to raise funds to help supply food to children during the coronavirus pandemic. He will be the youngest recipient of this award in the university. Others who have this honorary award from the University are Sir  Ferguson and Sir Bobby Charlton.

    Marcus Rashford is so overwhelmed with the award especially belonging to the team of great men that have received the award. He said:

     “It’s a proud day for myself and my family. When you look at the great names that have been awarded this doctorate in the past, it’s humbling.

    “We still have a long way to go in the fight to combat child poverty in this country but receiving recognition from your city means we are heading in the right direction and that means a lot.”

    It was astonishing and remarkable that during the lockdown, Rashford teamed up with the poverty and food waste charity, FareShare, a collaboration which has led to £20m being raised in financial and food donations and enabling 3.9m meals to be distributed to the country’s most vulnerable every week during the pandemic.

    On June 15, he pushed the campaign forward even further by writing a heartfelt open letter to the UK government and followed up this message with a high-profile publicity and social media campaign drawing on his own personal experiences of using food banks and after school clubs growing up

    Several celebrities and dignitaries congratulated him; among them is the  and vice-chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, A 22 year-old Manchester United and England forward Marcus Rashford will receive an honorary doctorate from The University of Manchester later this summer.This award, will be bestow on him “for his remarkable campaign against child poverty off the field and outstanding sporting achievements on the pitch”.

    Last month, Rashford successfully campaigned for the government to extend its free school meals voucher scheme over the summer holidays and also helped lead an initiative with the FareShare charity to raise funds to help supply food to children during the coronavirus pandemic. He will be the youngest recipient of this award in the university. Others who have this honorary award from the University are Sir Alex Ferguson and Sir Bobby Charlton.

    Marcus Rashford is so overwhelmed with the award especially belonging to the team of great men that have received the award. He said:

     “It’s a proud day for myself and my family. When you look at the great names that have been awarded this doctorate in the past, it’s humbling.

    “We still have a long way to go in the fight to combat child poverty in this country but receiving recognition from your city means we are heading in the right direction and that means a lot.”

    It was astonishing and remarkable that during the lockdown, Rashford teamed up with the poverty and food waste charity, FareShare, a collaboration which has led to £20m being raised in financial and food donations and enabling 3.9m meals to be distributed to the country’s most vulnerable every week during the pandemic.


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    On June 15, he pushed the campaign forward even further by writing a heartfelt open letter to the UK government and followed up this message with a high-profile publicity and social media campaign drawing on his own personal experiences of using food banks and after school clubs growing up

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    Several celebrities and dignitaries congratulated him; among them is the President and vice-chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, who said:

     “Marcus is an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary talent and drive that stretches well beyond the football field.

    “His work for charity and his high-profile campaign will not only help countless young people across our own city, but across the entire country.

    “Our university has social responsibility at its core and this sense of civic pride and duty is something we are proud to share with Marcus. That is why the university is delighted to make Marcus our youngest ever recipient of an honorary degree.”

    Also the Prime Minister Boris Johnson congratulated him on his successful campaign to persuade the government to provide free meals to children over the summer breaks.


     “Marcus is an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary talent and drive that stretches well beyond the football field.

    “His work for charity and his high-profile campaign will not only help countless young people across our own city, but across the entire country.

    “Our university has social responsibility at its core and this sense of civic pride and duty is something we are proud to share with Marcus. That is why the university is delighted to make Marcus our youngest ever recipient of an honorary degree.”

    Also the Prime Minister  congratulated him on his successful campaign to persuade the government to provide free meals to children over the summer breaks.


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