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  • » Nabteb 2017 Geography Answers – May/June Expo
  • BccM coded Tips Nabteb-Geo-Obj 1BCBBBCCDDD 11ADAAACCAAB 21CADBADCCDA 31DDBBBBDCAB 41BAAADBCCCA ANSWER 4 QUESTIONS IN ALL ================================ SECTION A ANSWER 2QUESTIONS ONLY ================================ 1a) Population census may be defined as a regular counting of the number of women, men, children, able and disabled people in a country by the government for the purpose of economic planning and development. 1b) i)Population Density: The density of the population of the different areas of a country can easily be known. ii)Population size: Population census helps the government to know the total number of people in the country. iii)Labor: The number of labor available at a particular time in an area can be determined through population census. 1c) i)Irrelevant or duplicate data collected ii)Pertinent data omitted iii)Erroneous or misinterpreted data collected iv)Too little data acquired from client v)Data base format causes disorganized health status profile 1d) i)Increase in the dependency ratio ii)Increased government spending on health care and pensions iii)Those in work may have to pay higher taxes iv)Shortage of workers v)Higher savings for pensions may reduce capital investment. ================================ 3a) CHARACTERISTIC i)Farming is done on subsistence level ii)It is common in rural areas with abundant farmlands iii)It involves small holding of farmlands iv)Food crops like yam, maize, cassava etc are grown v)Farmlands are left to fallow after one or two years of cultivation 3b) land preparation is The process of preparing the soil for planting, to provide a soil environment favorable for plant germination and/or growth. 3c) -Advantages- i)It aids the natural restoration of soil nutrients during the fallow period ii)It helps to control plant and diseases and pests iii)It uses cheap family labour iv)It requires low farm input like cutlass and hoe v)It ensure continuous sustenance during periods of crop failure 3d) -Disadvantages- i)It leads to wastage of land which could have been used by allowing ii)it to lie fallowIt leads to soil erosion when soil is exhausted iii)It destroys valuable forest resources like timber iv)It leas to land fragmentation due to increase in population v)It does not leads to mechanization of farms ================================ SECTION B ANSWER 2QUESTIONS ONLY ================================ 7b) i)availability of grasses for cattle feeding ii)the vegetational zone is guinea savanna with rainfall span 6-8months to about 100-150cm/ iii)land is fertile for quick growth of grass and land not water logged hence rearing is convinent iv)land ability vast land for rearing and reduced carnivores which could serve as predator 7c) CATTLE i)serve as source of food ii)reduce disease out break or speard as a resevoir of some pathogenic parasites iii)source of income as foregn exchange iv)source of raw material for some industries(eg beef) COCOA i)source for food ii)source for income iii)source of raw material to industries iv)research material or specimen ================================ 6b) i)serves as a tourist centre ii)source of income for industrial production such as wood,ply,paper,pulp iii)serves as home of some animals which in turn serves as a game reserve iv)serves as home for reserve and safe keeping of some plants and animal species v)forest serves as a wind breaker which in turn facilitate increase rainfall which aid better agricultural purpose in such area which helps in reduction of food shortage. Plant species also can be medicinal to cure many infections 6c) i)soil erosion ii)deforestation which exposes the soil(loss soil fertility) iii)destruction of some animals habitat iv)reduce rainfall in exploited area and interruption of water cycle ================================ 5b) i)they are dynamic and flow downhills ii)presence of debris iii)presence of cataracts 5c) i)reduction in rainfall which enhance reduce the water volume and shortness of river ii)silting of river which reduces water volume iii)deposition of bio-degradable and non-degradable material which hinder movement and aquatic life iv)Eutrophication which lead to over development of other plant growth of plantin abundant Nabteb-Geo-Obj 1BCBBBCCDDD 11ADAAACCAAB 21CADBADCCDA 31DDBBBBDCAB 41BAAADBCCCA ANSWER 4 QUESTIONS IN ALL ================================ SECTION A ANSWER 2QUESTIONS ONLY ================================ 1a) Population census may be defined as a regular counting of the number of women, men, children, able and disabled people in a country by the government for the purpose of economic planning and development. 1b) i)Population Density: The density of the population of the different areas of a country can easily be known. ii)Population size: Population census helps the government to know the total number of people in the country. iii)Labor: The number of labor available at a particular time in an area can be determined through population census. 1c) i)Irrelevant or duplicate data collected ii)Pertinent data omitted iii)Erroneous or misinterpreted data collected iv)Too little data acquired from client v)Data base format causes disorganized health status profile 1d) i)Increase in the dependency ratio ii)Increased government spending on health care and pensions iii)Those in work may have to pay higher taxes iv)Shortage of workers v)Higher savings for pensions may reduce capital investment. ================================ 3a) CHARACTERISTIC i)Farming is done on subsistence level ii)It is common in rural areas with abundant farmlands iii)It involves small holding of farmlands iv)Food crops like yam, maize, cassava etc are grown v)Farmlands are left to fallow after one or two years of cultivation 3b) land preparation is The process of preparing the soil for planting, to provide a soil environment favorable for plant germination and/or growth. 3c) -Advantages- i)It aids the natural restoration of soil nutrients during the fallow period ii)It helps to control plant and diseases and pests iii)It uses cheap family labour iv)It requires low farm input like cutlass and hoe v)It ensure continuous sustenance during periods of crop failure 3d) -Disadvantages- i)It leads to wastage of land which could have been used by allowing ii)it to lie fallowIt leads to soil erosion when soil is exhausted iii)It destroys valuable forest resources like timber iv)It leas to land fragmentation due to increase in population v)It does not leads to mechanization of farms ================================ SECTION B ANSWER 2QUESTIONS ONLY ================================ 7b) i)availability of grasses for cattle feeding ii)the vegetational zone is guinea savanna with rainfall span 6-8months to about 100-150cm/ iii)land is fertile for quick growth of grass and land not water logged hence rearing is convinent iv)land ability vast land for rearing and reduced carnivores which could serve as predator 7c) CATTLE i)serve as source of food ii)reduce disease out break or speard as a resevoir of some pathogenic parasites iii)source of income as foregn exchange iv)source of raw material for some industries(eg beef) COCOA i)source for food ii)source for income iii)source of raw material to industries iv)research material or specimen ================================ 6b) i)serves as a tourist centre ii)source of income for industrial production such as wood,ply,paper,pulp iii)serves as home of some animals which in turn serves as a game reserve iv)serves as home for reserve and safe keeping of some plants and animal species v)forest serves as a wind breaker which in turn facilitate increase rainfall which aid better agricultural purpose in such area which helps in reduction of food shortage. Plant species also can be medicinal to cure many infections 6c) i)soil erosion ii)deforestation which exposes the soil(loss soil fertility) iii)destruction of some animals habitat iv)reduce rainfall in exploited area and interruption of water cycle ================================ 5b) i)they are dynamic and flow downhills ii)presence of debris iii)presence of cataracts 5c) i)reduction in rainfall which enhance reduce the water volume and shortness of river ii)silting of river which reduces water volume iii)deposition of bio-degradable and non-degradable material which hinder movement and aquatic life iv)Eutrophication which lead to over development of other plant growth of plantin abundant

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